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Showing posts from October, 2019


Hello dearest readers!! I have made a BIG desision! I will reviewing books as well as helping you write them! We'll start with one of my absolut FAVORITE series, The series of Greek Mythology by George O'Connor! Otherwise known as The Olympians!!!! ITS M FAVORITE MYTHOLOGY!!!!!!Well, I have to go now, so TA TA!!!!!

Step two: The Storyline

Hello dearest readers!! Time for THE most important part of the story.... THE STORYLINE!! A storyline is the story plot.. or the idea of the book! Like a exsamlpe is J.K Rowling's Harry Potter's storyline was of a boy who lived and scared the greatest dark wizard! So the plot was all about Harry facing challenges against magical creatures. So the storyline is what you're basing the strong parts of the story. Thats all for today, TA TA!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡


Hello my dears♡!  Another interuption, but I will show why! I have created a news story that is about the over-growing population of Hispanics and Latinos. It's a bigger topic in my opinon. But now, I will share it with all of you! Spanish speaker’s population being discovered by kids Hispanic’s have always been a part of American history. It’s a good bond between the Spaniards and Americans. A little shaky at times, but good. We have gotten many Spanish speakers in the USA, and other cultures. That's why we’re called ‘The Melting Pot’. But lately, Hispanic and Laitino’s population has blown off the roof! If your child/you plays the online game called Roblox, you will see that the Spanish speakers numbers have increased variously. It's a good thing to see that we have a big culture here besides Americans, but boy oh boy have they taken over! Did you know that the Spanish speaking population is 13.4%? That may seem small, but is a HUGE chunk of America! If you compare it


Hello dears! I'm very sorry, but we must hold for a moment.. I have written a poem on If I were in charge of the world. It's truly how I invision the world as 'peaceful'. It's a simple poem. There was a exsample, so don't think this was completly oringial. I will be proud of it, even though I could do better. Here it is : If I ruled the world, No body would need money. Everything would be infinite, It wouldn't be funny. If I ruled the world, Everyone would play. Learn by book, Having fun by day. If I ruled the world, Everyone would have a computer. Play and learn it all, Never wasting money on a tutor. If I ruled the world, Age wouldn't matter. We'd all be equal, Never be sadder. That's all for today! Bye for now!!

Step One : Hooking your readers

Hello, my fellow unicorns ♡! Today we'll work on the first part of your stories. The hook!! A hook needs to be something that just HOOKS your reader so much they need more. If you'd like, I will share a hook from one of the stories I'm working on... When you see me, you might think I'm normal. But then, you hear a moo, or any animal sound. You might look around, thinking some one's being silly, or a animal is around. You see no animals, and almost no one's around. All you find is a cute little family, with a daughter, and you shake your head, thinking your mind is playing tricks on you. But then there's another moo... That's all I'm sharing from my hook. But you got hooked, and you want more, don't you 😎? Hehe! A hook should give you that feeling, like you do not only want more, you NEED more. A good way to get inspired is to read your favorite book, and never read past the first chapter. That's a good exsample, but don't do it so mu